Last updated march 24, 2007
Write a Cocoa Mac OS X (and possibly GNUStep) Framework that would serve as a foundation to the 2 differents Mac OS X VLC binaries.
Those binaries are the standard executable, and the VLC web browser plugin.
This Framework could also be used as a library for other applications that need a video output.
I intend to have this Mac OS X framework's interface to closely match libvlc interface, modifying libvlc if needed.
VLC Mac OS X Specific:
VLC general:
I believe VLC has to become a killer-app. And I strongly believe my knowledge of the Mac universe could help VLC to become the Mac OS X video player of choice making it a first class citizen in the Mac OS X world.
Revamping the Mac OS X core should help to improve my knowledge in VLC, and feel more comfortable in bringing a good end user experience to VLC Mac OS X Users.
My name is Pierre d'Herbemont. We are in 2007 and I am 21. I am a first year student in the French engineering school Centrale Paris, which gave birth to VideoLan by the way ;-)
Here is a list of things I have been doing:
2004-2007 | Creation of the darwin-user mode for QEMU. Original announcement, qemu-darwin-user Wiki. |
2006 | Creation of a genetic algorithm to optimize a bayesian filter (school project) |
2005 | Implementation of a bayesien Spam filter (school project) |
2003-2004 | Mac OS X QEMU Port. Original announcement |
2002-2003 | Mac OS X/ppc Wine Port. Original announcement |
2002 | Make Darwin (Mac OS X kernel) supports the Macintosh 6400. My page about the 6400 & Mac OS X |
2001 | Worked on Dynamics a fractals visualization program developed by Richard Koch. |
I have been working on Wine, QEMU and more recently VLC , of which I am now commit-ter!
Here is my homepage.
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